You're Getting Called Up To The Big Leagues
After spending your adult life in sales, you’re looking for the next step. You’re not looking for a lateral move but a true move up the ladder, with all of the challenges and rewards that come with it. Welcome to the exciting world of franchise consulting with The Franchise Matchmakers! Utilizing our proprietary Franchise Matchmaking System, you will be trained to match a prospective franchisee to 1 of nearly 1,000 franchise opportunities that we currently work with.
There is NOTHING on Earth more rewarding than helping people find their first or next business. Watching people blossom into entrepreneurs after you’ve helped them find a great opportunity, hearing their stories and sharing their successes is the ultimate win
and leaves you with such a great feeling inside. One of the only true win/win/win sales opportunities out there is when everyone involved leaves the transaction feeling like they’ve gotten the best part of the deal!
No day in this industry is ever the same. You will face challenges on a daily basis that require you to think and act quickly on your feet. The opportunity for travel is immense though you could choose a more home territory based approach if you’ve tired of the road warrior lifestyle. From public speaking to trade shows, exclusive entrepreneur events to hosted training events, and round tables in some of the world’s most beautiful locations, whatever you’ve been looking for in your next and hopefully last career move is right here waiting for you! Find out more about the exciting and lucrative opportunity as a franchise consultant by contacting us right now. Let’s get started today!